Terms and Policy

Travel Insurance

Traveling is fun, but it also exposes you to its associated risks. When you choose to travel, you will be exposed to new terrain, languages, and cultures, and sometimes everything doesn't go according to your plan.

Travel Insurance is designed to cover unexpected expenses or emergencies that may arise when traveling that cover a wide range of situations. From lost baggage to flight missing/cancellation, emergency medical treatment to evacuation, Travel insurance helps you uplift the financial burden of unforeseen circumstances during your trip.

As GE provides many adventure trips, we highly emphasize our clients have travel insurance to compensate for the risks. It also provides peace of mind and financial protection in case of unexpected events so our clients can enjoy their vacation to the fullest.

One can choose from many travel insurance policies from travel agencies, insurance companies, and online providers. Still, one must shop around and compare to get the best coverage you need while fitting into your budget. Make sure to read your policy's restrictions, as many policies have rules based on age, destination, or type of trip. Here is the primary coverage our client must have during their trip :

  • Alpinism 
    Trekking over an altitude of 3500m is considered an extreme adventure. So let your insurance company know about the max altitude you will accomplish during your trek to ensure you get its coverage.

  • Emergency Helicopter Evacuation
    As most hiking and trekking site in Nepal falls under the rocky and harsh geographical terrain, access and healthcare are minimal. So during any medical or physical emergency, your insurance must cover helicopter rescue, which will be initiated only after approval from your insurance company.

  • Emergency Medical Treatment
    We will take you to the nearest hospital or transfer you to the city hospital during emergencies. The hospitals will directly contact your insurance company to settle the bills.

  • Flight Cancellation or No-Show
    Missing the flight or flight cancellation can adversely affect your planned vacation. Especially in the Himalayan region, the weather is very unpredictable, and the chances of flight cancellations are high. So insurance against flight cancellation or no-show can be very helpful to have a relaxing vacation.

Besides these, there is insurance coverage against theft, trip cancellation, baggage loss, and many more, so make sure to browse around to get the best option that fits you.